
CSWIP Refresher Courses

maandag 18 januari 2016

We Provide several CSWIP 3.1 Refreshment Courses during 2016. These 2 Days will give you the best preparation to get yourself Passing the CSWIP 3.1 Examination.

This refreshment Course is also a very good way to prepare yourself for:
- Course separation before you start with your CSWIP 3.2 Senior Welding Inspection Course;
- Your 10 year Certificate Renewal of the CSWIP 3.1 and 3.2.x

When applying for this Refreshment Courses we will send you some Homework which will help you with your Re-examination preparations.

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Onze organisatie verdeeld zich in drie werkrichtingen:


1. Welding & Weldconsultancy

2. Inspecteur Opleidingen en trainingen

3. Recruitment


Deze onderdelen worden op verschillende plaatsen op onze website verder toegelicht.


Hebben wij uw interesse gewekt en wilt u nu aanvulende informatie ontvangen? Dan kunt u altijd contact met ons opnemen.


Please be informed that all mentioned, offered and given Prices and Course Costs are subject to change. We therefor ask you to contact us for the correct Prices and Course Costs.